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'Everything, good or bad, has a purpose.'

It's February!
The Month of Romance and Black History; It's a great one.
Well, guys- we've made it through over half of our school year already- we'll be approaching the 4th Quarter before you know it. MAP Testing is coming up soon, too! What fun, right?
Well, Winter sports are coming to an end, and Spring sports will be beginning- the Boys' basketball team has had a decent season, and (I'm assuming...) the Wrestling team has, also.
I hope everyone has a nice February- who knows, by the time I update this again, it may be Summer! :P
Love Y'all

This Land Movie- Funny

No First Lady Needed!


RED: Holidays
BLUE: Happenings
PURPLE: Sports- Games, Matches, etc.

February 2: Groundhog Day
February 3: Boys' Basketball Game @ Springfield Catholic
February 6: Out @ 12:30
February 7: Boys' Basketball Game @ Strafford
February 10: Boys' Basketball Game @ Seneca
February 14: Valentine's Day
February 14: Boys' Basketball Game @ Home (vs. Cassville)
February 15: My Parent's 20th Anniversary
February 15: Kaylie and Daniel's 17th Month-iversary
February 16: Progress Report
February 17: Boys' LAST Basketball Game @ Home (vs. East Newton)
February 17-20: February Break
February 21: Boys' District Tourney @ Aurora
February 24: Boys' District Tourney @ Aurora
February 25: Boys' District Tourney @ Aurora
February 28: Mom's 40th Birthday


